Dividing Words into Syllables – an update

by Jeanne on 14 December 2016

Dividing words into syllables, an essential skill

dividing words into syllables

Dividing words into syllables is one of the key skills that children must master to become competent readers as they start to read longer, harder words.

It has been quite some time since I have added anything to the freebie version of my program. I thought I had finished but …

I was challenged over the way that I taught silent “e” and some other concepts. I have thought long and hard about what I have found that children enjoy and relate well to. What is effective in engaging children and making concepts simple and easy to grasp? What works? Is there a better way?

So I have spent the past six months or so working flat out to update my program. Then, inevitably, just as I thought that I had finished again, I found some more interesting photos and video clips from my circus-performing grandchildren that I just had to include.

So the second edition of “Gilead Success with Phonics” is finished! I’ll add and/or update some video clips over the next couple of months. Here is the first instalment. There are three extra video clips that illustrate dividing words into syllables, a key skill for children as they progress with reading.

“Flex-i-ble” is real, no editing!!! (Wow! That girl is flexible, and strong. She is 16 and part of The Sands Family Circus.)

“But-ter-fly” – The butterfly has uncurled its proboscis to drink the nectar from the flowers. Remember to always talk about new and interesting things, find out more about them, and consciously introduce new vocabulary.

“Bal-ance” – Watch (or skip to) the end to see the 14-month-old who is also part of the circus family. He loves balancing. His “talking” is a combination of enjoyment and excitement. His father had made this apparatus for himself to do handstands on in a show. He never imagined that his young son would insist on climbing and balancing on it.

If you have trouble seeing this video try dividing words into syllables. Also, check level-9-5 to see how this fits into the whole program.

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