Multisensory Learning – “Kinaesthetic Letters”, single letters

by Jeanne on 22 May 2014

Kinaesthetic Letters single lettersWhen you use a multisensory learning approach to teaching children letters, the various learning styles all reinforce each other (visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, rhythm and rhyme, logic, a funny story …). They all help children learn the sound of each letter, its shape and how to write it. Whatever a child’s preferred learning style, there is something to help.  However, for children who learn primarily by doing (kinaesthetic learners), an approach that includes movement is essential.

In Kinaesthetic Letters, children make the shape of each letter with their bodies.

 If you have trouble with the video, try

The pdf file with a link below gives explanations for the actions from Kinaesthetic Letters for the single letters. I hope this is enough to be useful to you. Feel free to invent your own actions with your child.

Pdf file – actions for single letters: Single-Kinaesthetic-Letters.pdf

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