My legacy

by Jeanne on 21 March 2020

Like many others, at this time of unprecedented uncertainty, I am taking stock of my life – spiritually, in my relationships, my life’s work, my legacy …

I am in the age group that is susceptible to coronavirus (COVID-19), so if you don’t hear from me by the end of any calendar month and you have a copy of any of my programs, feel free to share them as widely as you like – parents, children, teachers, schools, speech pathologists, grandparents, etc. My programs may be given away freely, but not sold. I hope my legacy will be that many children will be able to learn to read and spell successfully so that they are able to follow their dreams.

If schools have been closed in your area and you suddenly need to home-school your children, my programs could help. I have always designed them so that any caring adult can help a child, and older children and students can be independent in improving their own skills. Overseas, their price is particularly good at the moment with the low Australian dollar.

My maths program should be finalised soon.

As always, if you have an older version of any of my programs, contact me to arrange a swap.

Check “Recent Articles” to make sure if there has been a post in any month, or a subsequent month. If not, feel free to share any of my work. (E.g. If there was no article in June, but there was one in July, check again later.)

I recently heard the idea of “physical distancing, social connection”. This seems much better than the very cold-sounding “social distancing”. We may not be able to greet each other with a hug or a handshake and may not be able to visit, but we can still be inventive in making sure no one falls through the cracks. If we think of someone, let’s ring them …

With every blessing,


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