Videos to Teach Reading Level 2_4

by Jeanne on 10 July 2014

Continuing the series of videos on how to teach phonics successfully – b/d/p confusion, blending.

Level 2_4 Gilead Success with Phonics

The rhyme for “p” is very useful in helping to avoid or address b/d/p/q confusion. “/p/ is for post dug deep in the ground. The post must come first or your fence will fall down.”

If your child reads a “p” as /b/ or /d/, remind him that the post goes down into the ground so that the fence doesn’t fall over. Have him dig down into the ground enthusiastically with his spade as he does the action to learn or practise the letter “p”. “Dig down into the ground, bring the dirt up and over, then bring your spade round.”

If your child confuses “b” and “d”, have him make a bed with his hands. Always make sure that he writes the letters correctly and consistently.

Note, /p/, /b/ and /d/ mean the sound of the letters “p”, “b” and “d”.

Practise the new letter, “p”, as often as possible, in as many ways as possible and in different positions in words – pop, hop, map, pen … A little and often moves information from short term memory into long term memory.

Print the Phonic Comic books to practise left-to-right blending of sounds to make words, e.g. 1/11 – frog, kiss, pop, hop. If your child is finding this difficult, where possible draw out the sounds /ffff/ /rrrr/ /oooo/ /g/, /k/ /iiii/ /ssss/, /p/ /oooo/ /p/, /h/ /oooo/ /p/ and say them close together for him. You may need to keep doing this for some time until he can do it for himself. Eventually he should be able to cope with the sounds when they are said shorter and further apart – /f/ /r/ /o/ /g/, /k/ /i/ /s/, /p/ /o/ /p/, /h/ /o/ /p/.

Why are the frogs hopping after the prince and princess. Do they want to be kissed too?

Remember to keep adding to your child’s collection of letter cards each time he learns a new letter. Also, always be on the lookout for ways of adapting ideas. E.g., using the letter cards, how many words can he make that end with “en”?

Click on the bottom right hand corner of each video to see it full screen. If you have trouble seeing the videos try   p,  Phonic Comic 1/11,  Phonic Comic 1/12,  en hen penPhonic Comic 1/13

Thanks to Zoodoo, Richmond, Tasmania (Trevor Cuttriss, owner/manager) for permission to film the pigs.

All illustrations for Phonic Comic books ©  A. H. M. Wherrett, 2004.

To see the other videos go to Videos for Children

Print the books easy 1-11, easy 1- 08 12, and easy 1-13 back-to-back on A4 paper, cut each one across the centre on the line, assemble, fold and staple. 

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