Videos to Teach Reading Level 2_5

by Jeanne on 17 July 2014

Part of a series of videos to give children a solid foundation in literacy – increase vocabulary, b/d confusion, changing vowel sounds.

level 2_5 Gilead Success with Phonics

You can pause any of these videos at any time and ask your child to read a word, identify a letter, answer a question, talk about what might happen next …

Always explain the meaning of words if your child asks, or just use them in conversation if you think he might not be familiar with them. E.g. “Kin means your relatives like your aunties, uncles, cousins and grandparents.”  Or “Who are your kin?” … “Sob means to cry a lot.”

Also, always talk about anything unusual. E.g. “Look at that fin. You have to put two feet in the one fin. How would that work?”

Have your child keep practising reading and spelling words using all of the letters that he knows, but don’t ask him to read words if he has not learned the letters, or combinations of letters, in them yet.

Practise changing the vowel in a word, e.g. bag => beg => big => bog => bug. Try putting “s” on the end of each word, e.g. bags, begs, bogs, bugs, but “bigs” does not make a real word.

If b/d confusion is a problem, try getting your child to make a bed with his hands or write a capital “B” and rub out the top curve.

Click on the bottom right hand corner of each video to see it full screen. If you have trouble seeing the videos try  ig fig wigPhonic Comic 1/14,  in fin kin,  PhonicComic1/15,  op hop pop,  Phonic Comic 1/16

All illustrations for Phonic Comic books ©  A. H. M. Wherrett, 2004.

To see the other videos go to Free Videos for Children

Print the books easy 1-14, easy 1-15 and easy 1-16 back-to-back on A4 paper, cut each one across the centre on the line, assemble, fold and staple. 

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