Videos to Teach Reading Level 3_2

by Jeanne on 31 July 2014

How to teach phonics in a way that kids love and learn – b/d confusion.

level 3_2 Gilead Success with Phonics

Perhaps the most common problem that causes difficulty in learning to read is b/d confusion. Memory aids and a lot of practice usually eventually help, as does bingo with “b” and “d” (see below). Keep on being positive and encouraging, even if it takes a long time.

Use the pause button whenever you want to ask your child a question. BUT, while some children love the challenge, others will worry that they will get the answer wrong. Let the latter children watch the videos all the way through as often as they want. Let them follow their own learning style and personality. It doesn’t matter how long they take, as long as they learn the basics and their confidence grows.

Make learning to read a game. If they aren’t enjoying it, find another strategy – card games, board games, computer games, videos, easy books, tracing letters, writing …

Remember to keep adapting ideas to use materials that you have. E.g. use the letter cards h, t, m, b, p, u and g to choose from to make the words bug and tug. What other words can you make? Can you use any other cards to make words that end in ug? (dug, rug and later jug, lug) Keep adding to the collection of cards each time your child learns a new letter and only use these. Always draw a line under each letter on the cards so that it is easy for children to tell which way up the card is supposed to be.

Try making a bingo game that only has the letters “b” and “d” on it. Start with several 4×4 grids to choose from with the letters fairly large. Later you could make 5×5, 6×6 … grids with progressively smaller letters. Allow/encourage children to make a bed with their hands as long as they need to, and don’t put them under any time pressure.

Click on the bottom right hand corner of each video to see it full screen. If you have trouble seeing the videos try  ug bug tug,  un bun nun,  Bb and Phonic Comic 1/19 ,  b/d game

Thanks to Sr Joseph and St Mary’s College, Hobart, Tasmania for use of the photo for “nun”, a very young photo of our friend Sr Biddy.

All illustrations for Phonic Comic books ©  A. H. M. Wherrett, 2004.

To see the other videos go to Videos for Children

Print the book easy 1-19 back-to-back on A4 paper, cut each one across the centre on the line, assemble, fold and staple. 

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