Videos to Teach Reading Level 5_1

by Jeanne on 4 October 2014

A series of videos to teach and practise silent “e” and “ee”.

silent "e"

The silent “e” makes the /a/ say its name, /A/. (Video 1)

You will probably need to explain to your child that “quake” means that you are shaking because you are so frightened. (Video 2 – snake, take, plate, quake) This is a true story from our family, but it was an eel under a tea towel in the pantry.

The silent “e” makes the /e/ say its name, /EE/. (Video 3)

It is often helpful when children start reading words with a sound represented by two letters to use two fingers to point to it, and use one finger to point to single letters. E.g. “t…r…ee”. (Video 4)

Teach capital letters as they are needed. We use a capital letter to start a person’s name. (Video 5 – Pete, Steve, meet, keep? – A story about a lost monkey.)

In Australia, a small river is called a creek. Elsewhere, it may be called a brook or a stream. (Video 6 – jeep, steep, speed, creek – Will the jeep end up in the creek?)

“E” on the end of a word is silent, except for short words like he, be, we, she …

Or, more accurately, “E” following a consonant on the end of an English word is silent …

(But, words like minestrone and consommé have come from Italian and French respectively, and still keep their foreign pronunciation. Some foreign words may or may not still have an accent. In American English “consomme” is OK, but it usually keeps the accent in British or Australian English.)

Remember to pause the videos to allow your child to work out each word before the answer is given.

Click on the bottom right hand corner of each video to see it full screen. If you have trouble seeing the videos try   a_ePhonic Comic 2/1e_eeePp and Phonic Comic 2/2Phonic Comic 2/3

All illustrations for Phonic Comic books © A. H. M. Wherrett, 2004.

Thanks to Pet Porpoise Pool, (Troy Saville, assistant manager), Coffs Harbour, NSW for permission to film the performing seal.

To see the other videos go to Videos for Children

Print the books easy 2-01easy 2-02 and easy 2-03 back-to-back on A4 paper, cut each one across the centre on the line, assemble, fold and staple. 

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