Videos to Teach Reading Level 6_3

by Jeanne on 22 November 2014

Sounds of er ir ur and ar

sounds of er ir ur and ar

Three ways to spell the /er/ sound – “er”, “ir and “ur” and “ar” in shark and car.

er ir ur – The three common ways to get an /er/ sound are “er” – Her bird is hurt, “ir” – bird, and “ur” – purse. Memory aids with pictures and actions are important to help many children remember these letter-sound correspondences. Video clips include fire twirling and a lyrebird displaying its incredible tail.  (Video 1)

Phonic Comic 2/14 – Bert. bird, herd, turn – A comic strip that practices “er”, “ir” and “ur”.  Will Bert catch that bird?  (Video 2)

ar – Say the memory aid “ar … shark” in a frightened voice. Also, video clips of an old car and the start of an unusual race.  (Video 3)

Phonic Comic 2/15 – army, march, larder, tart – A comic strip to practise the most common sound of “ar”. What sort of army marches to a larder?  (Video 4)

Remember to always be on the lookout for words that your child may not know, and talk about them. For example, “larder” is another word for a pantry and “army” is one of the collective nouns that can be used for ants. Developing children’s vocabulary is very important in helping them learn to read well.


Click on the bottom right hand corner of each video to see it full screen. If you have trouble seeing the videos try   er ir ur,  Phonic Comic 2/14,  ar,  Phonic Comics 2/15

All illustrations for Phonic Comic books © A. H. M. Wherrett, 2004.

To see the other videos go to Videos for Children

Print the books easy 2-14, and easy 2-15 back-to-back on A4 paper, cut each one across the centre on the line, assemble, fold and staple. 

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