Videos to Teach Reading Level 6_4

by Jeanne on 2 December 2014

2 and 3-letter sounds: “sh” and Review of Level 6

2 and 3-letter sounds

The sound of “sh”, plus review of the two sounds for “ea” (/E/, /e/), “igh”, the most common sound of “ch”, three sounds for “y” (/y/, /i/, /I/), three ways to get an /er/ sound (“er”, “ir”, “ur”) and the most common sound of “ar”.

sh –. Make an “h” with your hand, then bring your finger-tip to your nose and say, “Sh, don’t wake the baby.” A small child shakes hands with a dolphin, another child cleans its teeth. What sort of brush is that? (Video 1)

Make a list of useful words that start or finish with “sh”. Use these for reading or spelling practice – ship, shop, shack, shade, shake, shirt … fish, brush, crash, flash … Make sure that they only include letter-sound correspondences that you child has learned so far.

Phonic Comic 2/16 – ship, fish, shark, dash – “Dash!”  Why can’t he catch any fish now?  (Video 2)

Check that your child knows all of the letter-sound combinations taught in Level 6 before going on to the next level. Also, check that he or she can read the words from the Phonic Comic strips from this level. Pause the video at appropriate places. You could write words from the other Phonic Comics on cards. Go back and find the video for the comic for any words that cause difficulty. (Video 3)

Words with cards – Write the sounds from this level, and the single letters, on small cards. How many words can your child make? Are they real words? Write down a few of the most useful words to learn as spelling words.  (Video 4)

It is important to practise common, high frequency words to increase fluency. If children can recognise these words instantly, it leaves more “brain space” for comprehension. BUT, it is also important to gradually build up speed with these and not try to teach them as “whole words” or “sight words”. These words only use letter-sound correspondences that have been learned so far.  (Video 5)

Click on the bottom right hand corner of each video to see it full screen. If you have trouble seeing the videos try   sh,  Phonic Comic 2/16,  check sounds,  words with cards,  high frequency words

All illustrations for Phonic Comic books © A. H. M. Wherrett, 2004.

To see the other videos go to Videos for Children

Print the book easy 2-16 back-to-back on A4 paper, cut it across the centre on the line, assemble, fold and staple. 

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