Videos to Teach Reading Level 8_6

by Jeanne on 6 May 2015

2 sounds of “ew”, 3 sounds of “ed”

2 sounds of "ew", 3 sounds of "ed"

The 2 sounds of “ew” and the 3 sounds of “ed”, like all other letters and groups of letters in the Gilead® programs, are colour coded – red, blue, purple, green according to their frequency.

There are usually 2 sounds of “ew”, /oo/ in blew, chew, grew and /yoo/ in few, new, dew. In some places in the world, it often just sounds like /oo/. You can ask your child, “How do we usually say that?” and then just use the local pronunciation.  (Video 1)

Phonic Comic 2/34 – crew, blew, flew, new – Pause the video and ask, “What do you think happened when the crew went sailing and the wind blew really hard?”

Talk about the “crew” of a yacht. “What do they do? … Would you like to be part of the crew when the wind was blowing like that?” This may be a new word to your child.  (Video 2)

There are 3 sounds of “ed”. It can be pronounced /d/, /t/ or /ed/.

The most common use of “ed” is to indicate the past tense. The concept of “past” may be too abstract for some children. You may need to explain it in more concrete terms.  “Do you understand what that means? If something happened in the past, maybe it happened yesterday or even before your last birthday.”

It is always good to check that children have understood any new vocabulary even though they usually pick up the meaning from the context if they hear the words used often enough.

If you pause the video at appropriate places, your child can do the sorting activity for the 3 sounds of “ed”. There is also a pdf file to print for a similar activity with extra, more challenging words.  (Video 3)

Phonic Comic 2/35 – asked, baked, waited, dined – The 3 sounds of “ed” are colour coded according to how common they are: “ed” = /d/ is red in dined, “ed” = /t/ is blue in asked and baked, “ed” = /ed/ is purple in waited. Also, the sound of “a” in ask, /ar/, is the third sound of “a”, so it is purple …  (Video 4)

Click on the bottom right hand corner of each video to see it full screen. If you have trouble seeing the videos try   ew   Phonic Comic 2/34    ed    Phonic Comic 2/35

All illustrations for Phonic Comic books © A. H. M. Wherrett, 2004.

To see the other videos go to Videos for Children

Print the books easy 2-34 and easy 2-35 back-to-back on A4 paper, cut them across the centre on the line, assemble, fold and staple.  There is also a sorting activity for the 3 sounds of “ed” to print.

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