Videos to Teach Reading Level 9_1

by Jeanne on 16 May 2015

3 sounds of ou and revision of oo, oi, oy, ow

3 sounds of "ou" plus oo oi oy ow3 sounds of ou –  A basic principle of good teaching is “Start with the simple and progress to the more complex.” In Level 7_2 children learned the most common sound of “ou”, /ow/ in out. In Level 7_5 they were introduced to the second sound of “ou”, /oo/ in soup and applying this in “you”. Now we consolidate this knowledge and add the third sound of “ou”, /u/ in double trouble.

3 sounds of ou part  1: The three sounds of “ou” with memory aids, revision of “you” and two videos of my circus family to illustrate “young” (2-year-old) and “double” (12-year-old doing a double back somersault from teeter board).  (Video 1)

3 sounds of ou part  2: Illustrate and learn the 3 sounds of “ou” with hand movements, sort “ou” words, read some “ou” words to then write in a spelling book. There is also a sorting activity to print for the sort 3 sounds of “ou”.  (Video 2)

Memory oo oi oy ou ow: Revise 2 sounds of “oo”, 1 sound for “oi” and “oy”, 3 sounds of “ou”, 2 sounds of “ow” with memory aids, followed by a game of Memory. This could be easily adapted using letters written on cards. Children could only keep matching cards if they could say all the sounds of matching letters, e.g. the 3 sounds of “ou”.  (Video 3)

Click on the bottom right hand corner of each video to see it full screen. If you have trouble seeing the videos try  3 sounds of “ou” part 1,  3 sounds of “ou” part 2,  Memory oo oi o you ow

To see the other videos go to Videos for Children

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