Videos to Teach Reading Level 9_2

by Jeanne on 23 May 2015

The sounds of ue, eu, ui, u_e, ew

sounds of ue

These letters are not very polite. If they see you in the distance they just yell, “Oo, you!”

When you find them in words, you have to decide if they are saying /oo/ or /U/.

Sounds of “ue”: There are two pronunciations of “ue”, /oo/ in blue, /U/ in due. There is sometimes local variation in pronunciation. If a word is pronounced differently in your area just say, “That’s interesting. How would we say that?”  (Video 1)

Eu: Again, if a word is pronounced differently in your area just say, “That’s interesting. How would we say that?”

For those who aren’t Australian: Eucalyptus is the most common type of tree in Australia. There are many species. They are all evergreen. They are usually known as gum trees. Koalas only eat eucalyptus leaves and these must come from only a very few species of eucalyptus.  (Video 2 – Sorry no koalas in the video.)

Sounds of ue, eu, u_e, ew, ui: All of these letter combinations have the same two sounds – /oo/ or /U/. Look at that rude seal poking his tongue out at the children!  (Video 3 – updated 26/5/15)

Click on the bottom right hand corner of each video to see it full screen. If you have trouble seeing the videos try  2 sounds of ue,  eu,  2 sounds of ue, eu, ui, u_e, ew

Thanks to Troy Saville, assistant manager, Pet Porpoise Pool, Coffs Harbour, New South Wales for permission to film the performing seal and to The Sands Family Circus for permission to film “nuisance”.

To see the other videos go to Videos for Children

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