Videos to Teach Reading Level 9_3

by Jeanne on 27 May 2015

Those tricky sounds of the vowels a e i o u

vowels a e i o u

Vowels can be very discouraging for children when they realise the number of different possibilities. Encourage them not to give up. As always, give lots of practice with what they know, to boost confidence and fluency. Then gradually add in new things. This is usually the best way to go.

Vowels can say their name.

“When you are reading, if the sound of a vowel does not work, try its name.” A vowel on the end of a (stressed) syllable usually says its name.  (Video 1)

All the sounds of the vowels a e I o u

This does not include a_e, ai, ay, ar, au, aw, augh, al … where another letter, or letters, combines with the “a” to make a different sound, usually another vowel sound.  “A”, “o” and “u” each have four sounds – and, acorn, ask, want; of, no, money, who; under, usual, put, truly.  (Video 2)

Other, mother, brother … “o” can sound like /u/.  (Video 3)

Schwa … When a vowel is not stressed, it often sounds like /ә/, known as the schwa sound, an indistinct almost grunting sound.  (Video 4)

Click on the bottom right hand corner of each video to see it full screen. If you have trouble seeing the videos try   vowels say name,  all sounds of vowels,  other mother,  schwa

To see the other videos go to Videos for Children

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