Videos to Teach Reading Level 9_5

by Jeanne on 5 June 2015

Syllables, -le words, revise “ea” in head, ce/ci/cy, Tricky Words 1

Level 9_5 650x122 updated

Tricky Words 1 – I, they, you, a, was, have, are, of – By now children may well be able to read many or all of these words, but may have trouble spelling them. Analyse the words, especially any tricky bits, when learning to spell (and read) them. This is better than just trying to teach them by sight.

I – Children often confuse capital “I” and lowercase “l” when reading, especially if the capital “I” does not have serifs. This memory aid may help – “If this letter makes a word all by itself, it gets lonely and says, “Hello, my name is /I/.’” Also explain that if it starts a sentence or a person’s name, it will be “I” not “L”, e.g. It is important to see Ian.

Revise the 2 sounds of “ea”  – See a team of bullocks …  the joey’s head poking out of its mother’s pouch and a lyrebird’s tail feather.

Phonic Comic 2/36 – needle, thread, make, head – Ask, “Has anyone ever made you a warm, woollen beanie to keep your head warm in winter?”

-le words – Print the sets of -le word building cards on different coloured card. Mix and match them. “What words can you make?” Look at the syllable before the consonant-“le” ending. If it has one vowel and ends with a consonant, the vowel says its sound, if it ends with the vowel it says its name, e.g. ap-ple /a/, ta-ble /A/. Here is a video for “tumble“. 

Syllables – Remember, when you are reading or spelling, split long words into syllables. E.g. pel-i-cans, but-ter-fly, flex-i-ble, cat-er-pil-lar, cir-cus, u-ni-cy-cle, bal-ance.  (The pelicans chase away those pesky seagulls that are stealing their food. That girl is very flexible. This 14-month-old baby can balance.) Also, another amazing video, this time for “plat-y-pus“.

Phonic Comic 2/37 – clowns, cycle, balance, circus – Practise the two sounds of “c”, -le words, syllables. This is the last of the Phonic Comics. In real life, they didn’t join a circus, they made their own – “The Sands Family Circus”.

Click on the bottom right hand corner of each video to see it full screen. If you have trouble seeing the videos try   Tricky Words 1,  Revise the 2 sounds of “ea” ,  Phonic Comic 2/36,  -le words,   Syllables,   Phonic Comic 2/37 ,   

All illustrations for Phonic Comic books © A. H. M. Wherrett, 2004.

To see the other videos go to Videos for Children

Print the books easy 2-36 and easy 2-37 back-to-back on A4 paper, cut each one across the centre on the line, assemble, fold and staple.

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