Videos to Teach Reading Level 9_7

by Jeanne on 20 June 2015

al, ey and tion words

al ey tion words

There are hundreds of words that end with “tion”, so tion words are much more common than those containing “al” or “ey”.

Two of the most common sounds of “al” in words (not on the end) are /or/ in walk, talk, chalk and /ar/ in half, calf, calm.

What is the first thing that a 4-year-old “beetle” does at the opening of a playground with a wall that has a sloping top so that children cannot walk on it?  (Video 1)

The two sounds of “ey” on the end of words are /E/ in key, valley, money … and /A/ in they, grey (US gray), obey …  (Video 2)

Some “tion words” are very long. Always split them into syllables to read and spell them.

Some examples of “tion words” are action (ac-tion) and reflections (re-flec-tions). These brothers (aged 16 and 10) love to make action videos. Great when their grandmother needs an example for “tion words”.  (Video 3)

Click on the bottom right hand corner of each video to see it full screen. If you have trouble seeing the videos try   al words,   ey words,   tion words

To see the other videos go to Videos for Children

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