Videos to Teach Reading Level 9_9

by Jeanne on 4 July 2015

Sounds of air, ear, ure

Sounds of air, ear, ure

When we come to look at how to say the sounds of air, ear, ure … “air” and “are” only have one sound, but “ear”, “our” and “ure” can each have four sounds. Also learn the sound of “oe” in toes, “ous” on the end of words, and how to add “s” to a word that ends in “y”. Joke books practise everything learned so far.

air, are, oe, ous, water

Two ways to get the /air/ sound – “air” in fair, pair, chair … and “are” in care, scare, spare …; the sound of “oe” in toes, “ous” on the end of words like famous and nervous, and “wa” in water. The sound of “wa” in water is just a little different from its usual sound in was and want. The photo of kayaking on the water of the Franklin River in Tasmania is quite dramatic.


The four sounds of “ear” – year, learn, wear, heart. See a video clip of a baby whale learning to breach.

our, ure

Both “our” and “ure” can have four sounds:

  • “our” – four, journey, hour, tour
  • “ure” – pure, lure, picture, figure

Useful spelling rules – y+s, …ce+i…, …c+i…

When we add “s” to a word that ends in “y”, we must look at the letter before the “y”. If it is a vowel, just add “s”. If it is a consonant, change they “y” to “i” and add “es”.


When you are reading, the letters may look slightly different; also when you are writing. The letters “a”, “b” and “g” can be a bit tricky.

Click on the bottom right hand corner of each video to see it full screen. If you have trouble seeing the videos try   air/are/oe/ous,  ear,   our/ure,  y+s,  scripts   

Thanks to P Stam for the photo of “water”. Used with permission.

To see the other videos go to Videos for Children


“How do rabbits keep their fur tidy?   With a hare-brush (hair brush).”

“What do you get when you cross a crocodile with an angry dog?    A very nervous postman.”

If you have worked your way through all of the videos with your child, they should be able to read the Jokes with Reading books without having to guess. If they have trouble with any words, remind them of the sound that is a problem. If necessary, find the video that teaches that sound (see free videos for children – The first time a long word occurs in the joke books, it is split into syllables (with very faint dots so that they are not a distraction). Practise these if necessary. Talk about the meanings of words, double meanings, humour, etc. – this develops vocabulary and reading comprehension.

Once your child is confident, they can read the jokes to grandparents, friends, aunts and uncles … Rereading short sections, such as a single joke or two, helps to develop confidence and fluency.

Print the books Jokes with Reading and More Jokes with Reading  back-to-back on 80gsm A4 paper (thicker if you are using an inkjet printer),. Print the covers for Jokes and More Jokes on 200gsm A4 card. Assemble, staple and fold the books.

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