Platypus illustrates syllables

by Jeanne on 3 August 2019

Splitting longer words into syllables is a key skill in learning to read and spell successfully. This amazing video of a platypus crossing the snow engages children while showing them how to split the word “platypus” into syllables.

platypus syllables

As children get older, it becomes harder to engage them in activities to learn the basics of reading and spelling, especially if they have experienced a lot of difficulty and discouragement in the past. I hope this video will encourage them to click several times to see the video, and therefore see and hear “plat-y-pus”.

Spitting long words into syllables was the major problem faced by my Year 11 students with difficulties in reading and, more particularly at that level, spelling. These problems were holding them back from what they wanted to do in life. They needed to be able to read and spell accurately to achieve at their ability level. Often they were just dismissed as having low ability when many of them were actually very able. If only they had had appropriate help with basic skills, such as syllables, when they were younger they could have avoided many years of heartache.

When my oldest grandson showed me his video of a platypus crossing the snow just in front of his family and their friends, I just had to use it in Gilead Success with Phonics. He very graciously gave me a copy of his original video before he edited it for one of his own web pages. (Vespre Photography)

I hope you and your children/students enjoy it and find it helpful.

As always, contact me if you have an older version of Gilead Success with Phonics to arrange a swap.

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