Keys to teaching reading successfully

by Jeanne on 18 August 2017

The Mercury published my letter to the editor about the keys to teaching reading successfully, albeit somewhat shortened.

keys to teaching reading

The Talking Point “Five pillars of teaching reading crucial to health and wellbeing” (Mercury, August 10) was a timely reminder of the scientific evidence for effective teaching of reading: phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension.  This is particularly important for boys, and students at risk because of social disadvantage or dyslexia. If we could implement the most effective teaching, we would see dramatic rises in the literacy levels of our students, with the flow-on effect of increasing our retention rates.

I hope this leads to further discussion.

I have spent the past 30 years developing resources to help students who are struggling, or prevent difficulties in the first place, without having to try to confront and/or change the whole system. But, perhaps now is the time to ask some fundamental questions more widely, and in the public sphere:

  • “What are the keys to teaching reading successfully?”
  • “What is the scientific evidence?”
  • “How can we have evidence-based policies implemented state-wide, nation-wide, world-wide?”


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