Videos to Teach Reading Level 2_2

by Jeanne on 28 June 2014

How to teach phonics in a way that kids love and learn – lots of practice using only letters that have been taught.

Level2_2 Gilead Success with Phonics

Remember that making the letter with his body can really help a child learn and remember letters, particularly any letters that are causing difficulty. E.g. make a valley with a river running in the bottom.

Find as many ways as possible to read, write and make words to practise the new letter in words that only use the sounds that have been taught.

Whenever you see interesting ideas, adapt them. Use the ideas with the resources that you have. E.g., on small cards write all the 3-letter words that you can think of that use the letters learned so far. Shuffle these, then ask your child to read say eight or ten of them. How else might you use them to give practice in decoding?

Make sure that there is no time pressure on these activities so that children can gradually build up speed and confidence. Eventually reading these words will become automatic, but it is counterproductive to try to short circuit this process.

Click on the bottom right hand corner of each video to see it full screen.

If you have trouble seeing the videos try   v,   Phonic Comic 1/9,    at rat,    read and adapt

To see the other videos go to Videos for Children

Print the book easy 1-09 back-to-back on A4 paper, cut across the centre on the line, assemble, fold and staple.

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