Videos to Teach Reading Level 5_5

by Jeanne on 23 October 2014

Don’t try to learn too many new things at once.

high frequency words

It is very important that, every time children learn a new sound-letter combination, they have enough practice to remember it. Practise the memory aid visually and with hands or body actions. Make up lists of words with that spelling pattern, then practise reading, spelling and writing them. Play games with the new sound …

Children learn at different speeds AND every child needs to master these skills. Allow those who find it easy to fly ahead. Others may need a lot of drill and practice, and many and varied activities, to learn each new step. Most will be somewhere between these two extremes.

oa – float – Make “oa” float gently on the water as small, gentle waves go past. (Video 1)

croak, mud, soap, moan – Many boys love frogs but hate baths. (Video 2)

Make a list of words with the “oa” spelling pattern to practise reading and/or spelling. This may include a few words or many depending on your child’s age and interest. (Video 3)

Check that your child knows all of the letter-sound combinations taught in Level 5 before going on to the next level. Check that they can read all of the words from the Phonic Comic books without using the pictures to help. (Video 4)

It is important to practise common, high frequency words to increase fluency. If children can recognise these words instantly, it leaves more “brain space” for comprehension. BUT, it is also important to gradually build up speed with these and not try to teach them as “whole words” or “sight words”. (Video 5)

Try making a bingo game to practise all of the sounds learned in Level 5.

Make several 3×3 bingo game boards. Each one should have a_e, ai, ay, e_e, ee, i_e, o_e, oa and u_e written in random positions. Write A (3 copies), E (x2), I (x1), O (x2) and “u_e” (x1) on small cards. Draw these from a container, one at a time, and say the name of the letter. For “u_e” say /oo you/. Who can be the first to get three in a row? Two lots of three in a row … ? Then keep going until the cards are full.

Click on the bottom right hand corner of each video to see it full screen. If you have trouble seeing the videos try  oaPhonic Comic 2/8,   oa wordsfinal check Level 5common words Level 5

All illustrations for Phonic Comic books © A. H. M. Wherrett, 2004.

To see the other videos go to Videos for Children

Print the book easy 2-08 back-to-back on A4 paper, cut across the centre on the line, assemble, fold and staple. 

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