Videos to Teach Reading Level 8_1

by Jeanne on 25 February 2015

Teach reading with humour – a great motivator.

teach reading with humour

tall, ball, fall, call – Two clowns throw a ball, the tall clown falls, the other clown calls for help. Quirky illustrations have children laughing. Teaching “all” as a unit, even though it is really two sounds, makes it easy. (video 1)

Reading, writing and spelling all go together and reinforce each other. Make up “all” words with cards, then choose the 3 or 4 most useful to write in a spelling book. (video 2)

Make “ng” with your hands and arms, then make the “g” sing. Does your child find this sort of approach helpful? The actions and the visual memory aid reinforce each other. Associate them with the sound /ng/ in “sing”. (video 3)

sing, king, bring, string – Singing and playing for the king. What could possibly go wrong? (video 4)

strong, bang, gong, prize – Dad is strong, but did he like the prize? (video 5)

Make a set of “doing cards” to get kids involved in reading. Pick up a card and do what it says – hop, wink, skip, smile, frown … sing. Does your child find it hard to sit still? “Doing cards” is fun. Cards only use letter-sound correspondences that children have learned.  

Pause the video at appropriate places so that your child can read each word and do the action. Remember to have your child write a few useful words in a spelling book whenever they learn a new sound.  (video 6)

Click on the bottom right hand corner of each video to see it full screen. If you have trouble seeing the videos try   Phonjc Comic 2_26all  ngPhonic Comic 2_27Phonic Comic 2_28Doing Cards

All illustrations for Phonic Comic books © A. H. M. Wherrett, 2004.

To see the other videos go to Videos for Children

Print the books easy 2-26, easy 2-27 an easy 2-28 back-to-back on A4 paper, cut across the centre on the line, assemble, fold and staple.

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