Videos to Teach Reading Level 8_4

by Jeanne on 11 April 2015

The soft sound of “g”

soft sound of "g"

“E”, “i” or “y” after “g” often makes the “g” say /j/, the soft sound of “g”. Learn the rule, practise reading, writing and spelling words with both the hard and the soft sound of “g”, and choose a word from several similar words.    (Video 1)

Phonic Comic 2/32 – Ginger, Gypsy, get, giraffe – Pause the video before leaving the page “get”. “What do you think Ginger and Gypsy are going to get?”  … “A giraffe? Really?!!”   (Video 2)

Remember to pause the videos whenever necessary so that your child can work the answer out before it is given.

Click on the bottom right hand corner of each video to see it full screen. If you have trouble seeing the videos try  e i y after g,  Phonic Comic 2_32

All illustrations for Phonic Comic books © A. H. M. Wherrett, 2004.

To see the other videos go to Videos for Children

Print the book easy 2_32 back-to-back on A4 paper, cut it across the centre on the line, assemble, fold and staple.  

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