Reading Tutor
Reading Tutor has
- games to practise the sounds made by letters and groups of letters, particularly those that cause difficulty
- spelling of common words
- spelling longer words
- some simple but useful spelling rules
- interactive books …
The reference page is followed by many computer games to practise the sounds of the letters.
Each game also usually has a page to remind students of the sounds of the letters in the game so they can check them first if they need to.
Memory aids for the most common sound of the single letters that most often confuse students. They usually cause difficulty because the name of each letter is very different from its sound.
There are games to practice common sounds made by groups of letters, e.g. ch (in “Ah…choo”), sh, th (in “thistle”). Later there are games to practise less common sounds made by the letters e.g. ch in machine and Christmas.