Phonics ai sound

by Jeanne on 30 November 2017

phonics ai sound

I was sure that I had finished my program, Gilead Success with Phonics, until I saw a Facebook post by my son-in-law about a hail storm at their property,, 24-25November, 2017. I just had to add it. Here is what I did with it – phonics ai sound, a demonstration of blending a simple word containing “ai”.

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If you follow the link, “Parents and teachers”, from this page in Level 5 of the interactive computer program, this background information is given:

“This was a sudden hail storm that only lasted a few minutes. The hail was caught in the netting over the orchard which sagged almost to the ground in places.

“There was still some ice left in the netting after 24 hours, a hot and humid day and a couple of rain showers. (It was almost summer – most unusual.)”

As always, talk to your child about new and/or interesting vocabulary, ideas and experiences. Most children will not have experienced the severity of a hail storm, or playing with the hail (balls of ice) afterwards. Would they have been scared? What did they find surprising about the video? How do you make a slow motion video? …

Remember the five key features of an effective program to teach reading – phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear, identify and manipulate the sounds within words and usually develops as children learn to read – as they split words up, identify and blend the sounds in words. Specific and systematic teaching of the sounds of letters and groups of letters (such as “ai”), and how to blend them left to right to make words, is necessary to teach phonics well and efficiently. The wider a child’s vocabulary, the easier he or she will find it to read accurately and with understanding. Fluency improves with practice, comprehension with discussion.

A variety of interesting and/or humorous material helps children to be engaged, a necessary condition for learning. Even if children can read a word like “hail” easily, they may still find material like this helps them with spelling.

This page in the interactive program comes after children have learned the sound of “ai” with its memory aid:

phonics ai sound wait

If you have an older copy of Gilead Success with Phonics, contact me if you would like to arrange a swap for the latest version.

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