Sounds and Syllables – ducklings

by Jeanne on 20 November 2021

Identifying both sounds and syllables within words are key skills.
Being able to hear the individual sounds in words is essential in learning to read and spell. Also, older students who struggle with spelling often have difficulty

  • splitting long words into syllables
  • and keeping the syllables, and the sounds within the syllables, in order

at least my students did.

Engagement is also important, as is extending vocabulary. So when I saw these ducklings swimming in the waves, I just had to include them in Gilead Success with Phonics.

  1. Sounds

Children need to be able to hear and identify the individual sounds within words, and to remember how to spell them. I have invented memory aids to help with this (30 years ago, well before I saw this done elsewhere).

  1. Syllables

Demonstrating how to split simple words into syllables helps develop this ability. This is an introduction only. There is more later in the program.

  1. Engagement

Gilead Success with Phonics has many video clips like this designed to capture children’s attention, to encourage them to click to see the video again, and hence also see and hear the word split into syllables again.

  1. Vocabulary extension

Often there is a link for “Parents and teachers” with extra background information, in this case including ideas for things to talk about. As always, choose what is appropriate for your child’s age, stage and interests.

How many other birds can you think of where the name of their babies ends with “ling”? Goose – gosling is well known, but what about puffin – puffling? Also more general terms like “fledgling” for a baby bird that is just getting its flight feathers; also hatchling and nestling.

  1. A tool for parents and teachers

Many parents are desperate to help their children who they can see are struggling, but don’t have the skills themselves. What can they do to help while they are waiting for testing so their child can be eligible for extra programs at school, or for an activity for the holidays to maintain skills? Also teachers are always looking for an extra material to practise key skills …

A previous post featuring the video for “bang” shows the sequence of sounds in a shorter word. bright-students-who-hate-reading

So, on this page, children reinforce a new sound – “ng”, practise using it in a simple word – “bang” reading left to right, and they hear and see a word split into syllables. Both sounds and syllables are important, particularly being able to hear them within words.

I hope this is helpful and you and your children enjoy this video.

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