Then and Now

by Jeanne on 26 July 2014

There are some advantages to having a circus family when it comes to developing resources to teach children to read.

then and now

These photos are of my oldest grandson – /b/ for “balancing baby” and “a boy who can balance”, and /h/ for “hand-to-hand”.

At 7 months he balanced on his father’s hand. (Really it was his father who was doing the balancing.) At 3 years old he was still balancing on his father’s hand. At about 5, he was just learning to do a hand-to-hand. I used these in Alphabet Album, now in Gilead Success with Phonics, to teach the sound /b/ for the letter “b” and /h/ for the letter “h”.

Now this same grandson performs professionally in “PopEyed and Son”, as well as in the Sands Family Circus.

The recent photos show Mark and Jiemba performing as “PopEyed and Son” at the 21st Daidogei festival in Shizuoka, Japan, Nov 2012 and “relaxing” in Hanover, Germany before performing at Kleines Fest Herrenhausen a couple of weeks ago.

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