Understanding dyslexia webinar

by Jeanne on 10 August 2015

understanding dyslexia

Dyslexia – I have just watched the best and simplest explanation that I have seen on understanding dyslexia, done by Sonic Learning last Wednesday. The links will remain available until Wednesday this week. It is well worth taking half an hour to view while it is still available.

Often people dismiss other problems as invalid. This presentation looks the the definition of dyslexia, relates it to the different areas of the brain used in reading, but still recognises other difficulties and diagnoses as valid, but just not dyslexia, e.g. SSS (Irlen Syndrome). This makes it a very valuable approach.

Many myths about dyslexia are dispelled.

Of particular interest are the diagrams of the brain showing the areas used in reading tasks by those with and without reading difficulties.

The list of references alone is a valuable resource for those wanting to pursue the latest brain research on dyslexia.

To download the slides with space for taking notes go to http://soniclearning.com.au/events-seminars-webinars/notes/

Click to see the webinar 

This Wednesday there will be a follow-up webinar on interventions for dyslexia.  Go to http://soniclearning.com.au/events-seminars-webinars/webinar-series-dyslexia/  to register for that webinar.


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