Practise sight words – “easy plus” books set 2

by Jeanne on 30 October 2015

As we were leaving after spending two weeks with grandchildren, the six year old asked me if I could make him some more little books. He had been enjoying the first set of “easy plus” books – Phonic Comics  1 easy books with some extra common words (sight words). I confidently said, “Yes.” Now, after about two weeks’ work, they are done.

“Sight words” are an ongoing problem – high frequency words that children must learn to recognise automatically, i.e. “by sight”. Most of these words are regular, or at least partly regular, if you look a bit deeper. So it is important to teach sight words with as much logic and reference to spelling/reading patterns as possible to avoid memory overload and guessing. It may be necessary to jump forward a bit to learn them. Children need a lot of practice with sight words. 

So, for my 6-year-old grandson, I used the same set of common words (sight words) as in the earlier set and added them to the Phonic Comics  2 easy books. You can make a free set of these by printing the easy books, then the Easy plus books set 2. The latter also has updated instructions as well as hints to learn the sight words. Cut out the words from the “easy plus” set and stick them over the single words to make a free version of the books.

display incl sight word

At the same time I have been preparing for a major dyslexia conference in Hobart this Saturday, a special event for Tasmania. A kind friend lent me a display board for my exhibition stand. It took me a whole day to work out, print and assemble this display.

Everything always takes so much longer than I anticipate.

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