Videos to Teach Reading Level 8_2

by Jeanne on 24 March 2015

3 sounds of ch; 2 sounds of c; ie and ei; practise ch sh th ph wh ng

3 sounds of ch

3 sounds of ch – By now children should be really familiar with the /ch/ sound of “ch” in church, children, champ … If they are not, check Level 6_2 ( before going on. Now we can add in the /sh/ sound of “ch” in machine, and /k/ in Christmas.

Practise ch sh th ph wh ng – Always be on the lookout for ideas to adapt. This one is ideal. Make up cards for ch, sh, th, ph, wh and ng. Check that children remember all the sounds. Then play memory or any other matching game with them. Players can only keep the cards after they say the correct sound or sounds. Print the Memory Aids bookmark at to check the memory aids for any of these.

“E”, “I” or “y” after “c” usually makes the “c” say /s/. Choose two or three useful words to write in a spelling book to practise.  Exceptions: soccer, also sceptic (US skeptic) and Celtic (can be pronounced /s/). Also remember, “ci” says /sh/ in gracious, musician, electrician, racial …

Phonic Comic 2/29 – mice, ice, race, cold – The silent “e” makes the vowel say its name and it makes the “c” say /s/, both at the same time. Pause the video after the page “race” and talk about what might happen next. This helps develop reading comprehension.

“ie” and “ei” – shields, magpie, receive, reins – Our friend made these medieval shields and chain mail, then used them in battle. Listen to the magpie warble. See a young man receive a medal and his degree. Who is holding the reins? A kind man gave this little girl a ride on his pony, but she only wanted to ride the very much bigger horse, Rumpus, with her father. Would she say thank  you? No, all she would say was, “Ride Rumpus!” (Rumpus was an ex-pacer and was very excited thinking he was back in a race because he was with a group of horses.)

Phonic Comic 2/30 – thief, ceiling, chief, grief – This comic strip may require some explanation. Children may not understand the word “grief”. Always use any opportunity to explain new words. Expanding a child’s vocabulary is an important part of learning to read well.

Click on the bottom right hand corner of each video to see it full screen. If you have trouble seeing the videos try    3 sounds of “ch”,    Practise ch, sh, th, ph, wh, ng,     “E”, “i” or “y” after “c”,    Phonic Comic 2_29,    “ie” and “ei”,    Phonic Comic 2_30

All illustrations for Phonic Comic books © A. H. M. Wherrett, 2004.

Thanks to K. Peart for photos of fighting with shields and permission to photograph his shields.

To see the other videos go to Videos for Children

Print the books easy 2-29 and easy 2-30 back-to-back on A4 paper, cut each one across the centre on the line, assemble, fold and staple.

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