Videos to Teach Reading Level 9_10

by Jeanne on 11 July 2015

augh, ough, useful spelling rules, writing practice …

useful spelling rules

2 sounds of augh, many sounds of ough

  • augh – caught, laugh – A little boy laughs (and laughs …) when the new puppy licks his leg.
  • ough – fought, bough (of a tree), dough (to make bread), through, thorough, rough, cough – A clown goes through a square.

Words ending in gue and que


Some useful spelling rules

These useful spelling rules are easy when you understand the basic principles.

  • “I” before “e” except after “c” if the sound is /EE/.
  • “E”, “i” or “y” after “c” usually makes the “c” say /s/.
    •  Dance + ing = dancing
    •  Picnic + ing = picnicking NOT picnicing (/s/)

See brolgas dancing and a boy’s picnic birthday party.

Rainbow Letters

Use your Rainbow Letters books to practise handwriting with the correct starting points and directions. At the same time, practise reading using many (most) of the skills learned in Gilead Success with Phonics.

Common words

Practise these common words – any, because, before, find, give, house, into, little, love, old, only, our, over, people, please, put.

It is important to not to learn these just by sight, but gradually build up to recognising the words automatically. Find where any troublesome words and/or sounds are taught and learn them, if possible along with an easy related word or two. (E.g., before – “Sometimes there doesn’t seem to be any reason for a silent ‘e’”. [This level.]  Find similar words like more, sore, core … [Level 7 “or” hard spelling words.] Sorry I didn’t include these word lists in the free videos.)

Review Level 9

Check that you know the (mainly) vowel sounds from this level – 3 sounds of “ou”; 2 sounds of ue, eu, ui; 4 sounds of a, o, u; 2 sounds of e, i, al, ey; plus oe, air, are ous, tion,

Click on the bottom right hand corner of each video to see it full screen. If you have trouble seeing the videos try   augh/ough,   spelling rules,   Rainbow Letters,   common words L9,   review sounds L9

To see the other videos go to Videos for Children

Print the Rainbow Letters books (book 1, book 2, book 3book 4, book 5) single sided on 80gsm A4 paper. Cut and assemble the books, see instructions.

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